Zetabella Publishing


ZETABELLA is all about publishing creator-owned comic projects and new authors in the growing market of digital and printed books. When it comes to novels, we have an insatiable craving for fiction, science fiction and fantasy stories that are irreverent and unconventional. We accept submissions for both the Mature and Tween markets.

In terms of comics, we are interested in full-color projects, but proposals for black-and-white projects could also be given the nod. Since we have a strong digital publishing channel, we’ll look at a wide variety of formats and get creative about publishing it if your story inspires us.

What’s so special about being Published by ZETABELLA?

Well, we focus on a broader distribution network, meaning we’ll convert your book into whatever format is required for ePub ereaders, Kindle or Apple iBooks. We also offer Print on Demand to Amazon (US, CDN and UK) and BarnesandNobles.com and about 94 other online book retailers and over 5,000 libraries is the US. Which means once an order is placed through an online store, we print the copies to fill that order and have them shipped directly to the retailer.

Being so strong in digital distribution means we can get your book in front of a market of 50 Million plus book buyers a month. Ya, that’s big. Real big.

We can also do traditional in-store sales, but due to the investment on the inventory side, this is not something we would do without strong online demand for the book first.

What do we need to get from you?

(1) A cover letter with at least one primary contact information (name, address, phone number and e-mail required) and a brief introduction to the team and their backgrounds.

(2) A short synopsis of the overall story, characters descriptions , and the series specs, such as the length, themes and pages counts, as well as, who the primary audience is, and why you think this book with “win” with them.

(3) The first issue or Sample Book. If you don’t have the first issue or book done, hang tough till you do. Creator teams are generally hard pressed for time and energy to get a project finished so having one issue complete shows us you can stick to a production schedule.

(4) Links to ongoing webcomics are also accepted with an attached cover letter and synopsis.

(5) PDF Copy of your novel.

Mailed submissions are no longer accepted.

ZETABELLA will work as hard as we can to get back to you about your submission but be prepared to wait at least 30 days. Follow-up inquiries are fine, but be patient. We’re looking to connect with you too; we want each submission to be exciting and for new talent to find their way to us. We’ll be in touch. Promise.

All submissions should be sent as.pdf files via e-mail to:

submissions or [submissions at zetabella dot com]

If you have large files, High Tail is a great Free online file transfer service.

On last note: WE DON’T PAY PAGE RATES OR ADVANCES. ZETABELLA takes a small, flat fee off the books we publish and sell. The fee will vary based on the channel in which the books are are sold. For example, $1.99 iPad book may only have a 10% fee, while a printed book may be closer to the industry standard of 15-20%. The rest of the profit goes to the creator team and dispersed as per their agreement.